Coaching and Mentoring

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, or work through a particular opportunity or strategy with someone who absolutely gets it (that’d be me!), then you’re in the right place my friend!

With 20+ years of business experience under my belt, and 6 years as coach and mentor to successful business owners, we’ll have you kicking (more) goals in no time - without the fluff and with all the clarity you need.

An hour of power:  Express Planning

If you have a particular opportunity, strategy or area of business you would like to brainstorm with a seasoned professional, then let’s get to it!

For 60 minutes you will have my full and undivided attention, and together we will develop a game plan to get you unstuck and moving forwards with clarity.

Let's Get Going - purchase with the button below or book a call.

This is exactly what I need

Strategy Session: Half-day Intensive

This three hour intensive workshop is designed for the Female Founder who is looking to work through a specific strategy in a particular area of business, or exciting new idea or opportunity that you want to develop.

We’ll get together on Zoom for half a day with the goal of equipping you with the plan and tools you need to execute on a new initiative or existing strategy. You’ll leave with a step-by-step plan that will bring you quick wins as well as longer term results.

Purchase with the button below or book a call.

This is exactly what I need

Momentum 90-Day VIP Mastermind (by application only)

A powerful blend of high touch, high impact 1:1 and group mentoring for exceptional female founders who want to get fast results with a more hands-on approach with me. This offer is designed as a 90 day sprint in which we will set business-life goals, create actions and form a foundation for ongoing accountability that will have you skipping all the way to your One Fine Day

I Am Ready

Brand Vitality Audit

Elevate your brand and reignite your entrepreneurial spirit with our bespoke Brand Vitality Audit, designed exclusively for Female Founders. This is the perfect step BEFORE you spend a lot of money on marketing and branding.

This audit will evaluate how your brand is represented across different platforms, ensuring a cohesive and authentic message that resonates with your target audience. The review will include;

â—Ź Social media channels (up to 3)

â—Ź Website (existing or suggestions on layout & content for new site)

â—Ź Additional soft or hard copy marketing materials that are provided x 3

Save thousands of dollars on graphic design and marketing strategy by using this audit as a foundation for your planning and execution.

Purchase with the button below or book a call.

This is exactly what I need

The One Fine Day for Female Founders Mastermind

The One Fine Day for Female Founders Mastermind is the ultimate collection of resources, ideas and community. A space where we will ponder, discuss, create and share all topics on business-life-covered Membership for Unreasonable Business Women.

Members will have access to all the courses and Masterclasses created by yours truly, as well as monthly challenges and sessions.

Membership is opening in April.

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